Tobaksgården 3
8700, Horsens, Denmark
+45 2947 1278
108 Stryiska Street
Lviv, 79004, Ukraine
+38 032 2970597
Tobaksgården 3
8700, Horsens, Denmark
+45 2947 1278
108 Stryiska Street
Lviv, 79004, Ukraine
+38 032 2970597


The adoption of Law "On amendments to legislative acts of Ukraine on providing additional social and economic guarantees due to the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-2019)” № 540-IX as of 30.03.2020

The law is expected to improve legal relations in many areas of business that have changed due to the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

Support for employees and employers under the circumstances of the coronavirus spread were introduced.

On flexible working hours and remote work during quarantine

The law introduces the concept of flexible working hours and remote work.

Employees and employers can come to terms about this. The application of flexible working hours and remote work does not impact changes in salary and does not affect the scope of employees` labor rights. Nevertheless, these moments can be changed in the written agreement.

Moreover, throughout the time of pandemic threat employers may issue an order providing remote work and flexible working hours.

On quarantine partial unemployment benefit

This Law provides an additional ground for obtaining unemployment benefit. Employers can apply for getting the funds to Employment Centre  if  there  is  a reduction of production due to employers` measures on preventing the spread of coronavirus. Under this provision persons with whom an employer has a working relationship are eligible for partial unemployment benefit.

These benefits are payed from the first day of reduction until the end of the quarantine established by the government.

This provision applies only to the manufacturing enterprises without indebtedness in salary payment for last 5 years.

This Law provides the raising of the annual revenue limits for business entities, which use simplified tax system:

·         for group #1 - from 0.3 million to 1 million UAH / year;

·        for group #2 - from 1.5 million to 5 million UAH / year;

·        for group #3 - from 5 million to 7 million UAH / year.

The law establishes a moratorium on documentary and factual inspections for the period from 18th of March to 31st of May 2020. However, the law provides exceptions when the moratorium will not be applied.

Settlement of the issue on rent payment if the tenant cannot use the property. Tenants who are unable to use real estate or other property through quarantine may not pay the rent. However, the fact of impossibility of property usage should be confirmed by appropriate certificates or other documents.

In 2020 local governments are empowered to decide on establishment of local taxes and / or fees with regard to decrease single tax rates.

As for now the law is signed by the President of Ukraine, but still waiting for its publishing.

J&L Consulting